Too much rain! After almost a whole week of rain, we're finding the effects of the humidity all over the house. Besides mold everwhere, the walls have actually been dripping water, the paint on the walls has been bubbling becuase the cement underneath is perspiring, our clothes have been hanging on a covered line for days and there is nothing quite like climbing into bed with damp sheets! EWW!
The first few days of rain were fun, but after a week of almost contstant rain I was about ready to go crazy. I guess I am just a Phoenix girl at heart and can't go more than a few days without blazing sunshine. It is just the beginning of rainy season and I'm already wondering if I'll be able to make it through. This has certainly cured my desire to ever live in the Pacific Northwest!
Thankfully, despite all of the rain, Jason has been able to keep up with the flight scheudle. We got a bit behind last week, but Sunday was a clear day so we were able to play catch up. So far the weather has been cloudy but not too rainy so we've been able to get the team and supplies in and out of the tribe. It has been keeping us busy!
Thank you for all of your prayers when I was sick last week. It ended up not being malaria and was just a bad bacterial infection. I'm feeling quite a bit better but have been having pretty bad headaches since - I wake up with headaches, have them throughout the day and then go to bed with one. Very unusual for me. I've thought about going back to the doctor except that it takes forever to get in (no appointments, just put your name on the list and wait with no where to sit) and the doctor that we see has her office inside of a TB clinic, so I don't like to go unless I really need to. So maybe you could help me in praying for the headaches to go away :-)
Jason said that it has been really fun seeing our coworker's house go up in the tribe. Every time he flies over it he sees one more wall appear. One more week to go for the team so keep praying for sunshine!