Yeah! I was finally able to get some pictures up this morning after days and days of trying! We had a great birthday party for Kellan with our missionary family here on Palawan. As you can see we had a farm theme and I spent the day before making farm animals out of blown eggs. Yes, I am crazy(!) but they make cute decorations for Kellan's room now.
My Filipino house girls couldn't figure out what in the world kind of cake I was making. When I had put on the red, green and blue icing, they thought I was making a cake with a giant arrow on it. They had only seen a barn in a few American movies. No need for them here!
Kellan loved his cake and managed to keep himself pretty clean while digging in. He had lots of fun opening his presents, especially his new airplane from his pilot Grandpa. Maybe we have a third generation pilot on our hands! Kellan knew right away that the trucks and airplane that he got go "Brrrrmmm." What a boy!
See more birthday pictures on our photo gallery