Thanks for all of your prayers in getting us home. It was a mostly uneventful trip aside from trying to eat those yummy airline meals with the tray down and a 25 lb toddler in your lap and almost missing our connection to Salt Lake after getting hung up in customs and then being reprimanded for trying to sneak a jar of baby food through in my backpack. Naughty naughty!
We were able to sit together on our flights for which we were very grateful. Our last connection to Salt Lake was on a regional jet with only 2 seats on each side. Jason sat in one row with the kids (yes, he is my hero!) and I was supposed to be in the last row of the airplane. The guy in the row behind Jason jumped right up as soon as he saw we were not together and offered me his seat. So I sat right behind Jason and the kids and next to a lady and her baby. Our family fell asleep right away, but the baby next to me screamed half the flight. I was very grateful that it wasn't one of my children that was the screamer, but I did wonder if that guy traded me seats on purpose to get away from that baby!
We've been slowly adjusting to the time change. It is a 15 hour difference so we've basically had to convince the kids that day is night and night is day (the sun helps with this!). We finally just had our first night sleeping all the way through although we are still pretty exhausted.
Some of you have asked, and yes I did get my pumpkin latte. Although I've only had one so far. So if any of you want to meet to visit, I will be available to go out for coffee - frequently - while we are home :-)
We've been trying to pin down a day to drive down to Arizona. Jason has been helping his dad with their house remodel (right now we are confined to jumping around boxes in the upstairs rooms as the downstairs is completely torn apart or going over to the empty neighbor's house). Jason and his dad are in the process of putting in a wood floor. We are also trying to coordinate seeing Jason's sister on our drive down. We thought we would leave this weekend, but last night Jason, Mirielle and Kellan ended up with the stomach flu so I'm not sure when we will be up and running again. We're also not sure if we should try and beat a storm that is supposed to come through on Monday or wait till it passes. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we travel.