Jason's parents were able to help us drive which was a huge help. They took the kids in our CRV while Jason and I drove the UHaul towing a car ( actually I just scanned for radio stations and passed snacks). The trip was mostly uneventful except for a blowout just outside of Butte.
We have slowly been unpacking our boxes. Jason was able to return to the Philippines in January to ship some boxes of our things home. Most of our stuff m
Another thing we have been busy doing is fixing up our fixer upper. One of the first things we did was pull up the carpet. The house smelled like dogs and smoke so getting rid of the nasty carpet was a huge help.

We were re-reminded of the previous presence of dogs when we moved the stove and found this lovely surprise! Now that really made me want to GAG!

On a much nicer note!! We are enjoying spring here. We pulled into town right when all of the tulips were in bloom. We even had a few out in front of our house. We love having a nice big grassy yard and a beautiful Hawthorn tree which is in full bloom right now. The tree looks like it has a million tiny rosebuds on it. Beautiful!