She was pretty excited about going. I was pretty excited about her going. I think we were both ready for her to start school.
Mirielle is our social butterfly. She loved the Philippines because she (almost always) loved all of the attention she got. Wherever we went she ended up with an entourage following her around stores and restaurants. She was friendly to start with but I think her early years in the PI drew out the extrovert in her all the more.
She makes friends at the McDonalds' play land or in the airport or at the grocery store. This girl is always looking for a friend. Always looking for someone to talk to!
Preschool has been such a wonderful thing for her. She loves the new friends she has made and seems to be learning lots these days. She even surprised me the other day by writing her name out all by herself (I thought that was pretty impressive considering the length of her name!).
The first day of school was easy. We loaded up her backpack with some snacks, took a few pictures and when we got her into the classroom she recognized one of the girls from church, ran over to join her playing at the doll house, posed for one more picture and then released me and never looked back. Later that day she told me, "Mom, I didn't even miss you!" What a girl!