I started out my birthday by taking a big step - I went and took some pictures for a friend's family reunion. I was a nervous wreck, but I decided that it was a great way to start off a new decade in my life.
Dealing with anxiety issues the last few years has really held me back as far as trying new things in my life and stretching and challenging myself. The anxiety even makes it hard for me to do dumb little things like drive to a new part of town by myself. SO, I have been trying to take steps to do fun new things despite the fear that holds me back. Taking pictures of 40+ people gathered together for a family reunion an hour and a half drive outside of Spokane was definately one of those big steps for me. I thought it was a great way to start year 30!
After that I came home and needed a nap! Then we headed to the south part of town to one of my favorite little places for dinner. Later, my dear sweet friend, Stacey, brought over a wonderful birthday cake. Yum!
Just for laughs, I thought I would include this picture. The photo organizer on our computer has automatic red eye reduction and this was the first picture I saw when I uploaded the pictures of my birthday. I guess it got a little confused!