"Where there is love there is a light that cannot be described,
a circle that cannot be broken,
a joy that cannot be surpassed.
For where there is love
there is God"
Wow! Thank you Lord for the eight years of my life spent with this amazing man. It is hard to believe the journey we have been on in those eight short years!
Jas and I were trying to remember where we spent our eight anniversaries....
1. A weekend at my aunts' beautiful cabin in Christopher Creek. We even were surprised with snow.
2. We were somewhere in Baker City, OR in the first stage of training, but we can't quite remember what we did for our special day!
3. Mirielle came a month before our our 3rd anniversary. We splurged and went to Houstons in Scottsdale, (my mouth is watering just thinking about it) and left Mirielle with Grandma and Grandpa. I remember that I couldn't find any clothes that fit to wear out for a special night.
4. We had arrived in the Philippines the month before. I
think that we went out to the one special restaurant in town?? Not really quite sure.
5. I had been as sick as a dog and in the beginning of my pregnancy with Kellan. Our friends brought over Chow King (fairly mediocre Filipino Chinese food) since I was actually having a day that I could get out of bed. We realized during the middle of dinner that it was our anniversary.
6. We spent our special 6th anniversary with our friends the Barkmans on a 6+ hour van ride to our flight base on the northern island for a field safety seminar. We did have the special treat of stopping at McDonalds for lunch (and yes, it was a special treat to be able to go to McDonalds).
7. We have absolutely no recollection of what we did last year for our anniversary. Everything from last spring is a bluuurrrrrrr.
8. This year we probably wont forget because we had an unresolved discussion from the night before...... Need I say more??
As you can tell, we're really big on romance. HaHa!! I'm thinking that we need to start saving up our pennies for our 10th anniversary. I think that doing something special would be well deserved!