Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Kodiak on the airfield

I’ve been able to have my first flight in a Kodiak! It is the new missions airplane that NTMA is moving to in order to meet the future needs of our missionaries. The Spokane Turbine Center is a non-profit company that is hoping to train missionary pilots in the airplane so each mission doesn’t have to keep one in the States to train their pilots. It’s a pretty expensive machine and costs a lot to operate so it would save a lot of resources to have one cooperative training center. STC will have two simulators and one airplane in a hangar right next door to Moody’s. It’s a really stable and easy to fly plane, but has very advanced computer instrument and navigation systems that will take a bit of getting used to.

p.s. - the shirt matching the Kodiak was a complete coincidence!

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