Last night we had a special family dinner to usher in 2009. It was basically an excuse to splurge in few things that we normally do not indulge in eating. I mean, how many times can you walk by all of that amazing food at Costco without giving in? Mmmm!
While we were sitting around the table we put together a list of 2009 goals/predictions. Here they are for your public enjoyment:
-Mirielle will learn to read and write
-Kellan will finally stop using diapers (I am afraid this one is going to happen against his will) and will start feeding himself at the dinner table (or starve)
-Jason will teach Kellan how to really throw a ball
-Mirielle will lose her first tooth
-We will go camping together as a family (hopefully we will make it past camping in our backyard)
-Jason will bike to the 49 degrees ski area and back (in the summer, which means it will either happen in July or August)
-Kellan will give up using sippy cups and move on to what we refer to in our house as 'big boy cups'
-Jen will take a photography class
-A 6 month 'spending fast' (this one has me nervous already) will occur in our household
-Jen will finish decorating the house (which should be interesting considering the spending fast)
-Jason will conquer the slopes at 49 degrees and Schweitzer
-Mirielle and Kellan will learn to swim
-Jason and Jen will have a proper 9th anniversary celebration
Hope your 2009 holds lots of promise for you!
Happy New Year! That was fun to read your predictions for the year. I'm still putting my thoughts together for my goals...but the main theme I am seeing is just being more purposeful about how I live.
Hope you had a great time with your folks! We almost crashed your party one night when we were in town and our highway was closed! :)
That's awesome! Thanks for sharing. I especially like the last one. Call the babysitter now!
I think I'm inspired...Todd and I need to sit down and do this together. I have been thinking lately about how nothing really happens if you don't make a plan to do the things you dream about! :) Some of your goals were so funny, too. Save this list so you can look at it again in a few years, like when Mirielle is learning to drive the car and Kellan is taking ground school. :)
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