Thursday, October 15, 2009

4 years

My baby turned 4 last week. Pretty crazy to think about where our life was 4 years ago and where we have traveled since then. This kid has a lot of miles on him for being 4. I love this little man like nothing else. He has such a sweet spirit and has my heart wrapped around his little finger. It just kills me to think of him growing up. I don't ever want those sweet baby cheeks to go away.

This growing guy got a big boy bike for his birthday. He has been making tracks on the trike all summer, but a couple of weeks ago during a trip to REI, he got on a kids bike with training wheels and was flying around the store and weaving in and out of the racks (supervised and out of the way of course!). So we decided that if this guy was going to ever keep up with his dad, he needed a real bike. He LOVES it! Happy Birthday Kellan!

1 comment:

Margo said...

Happy Birthday Kellan! LOVE the pictures as always, you are so talented!!!